Pyramid Regions
Overview of Maya and Aztec Civilizations
Nahuatl Language
Maps of México
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Welcome to the Pyramids of México
and the civilizations that built them!

The concept of Mesoamerica (a vast and geographically varied territory) contains ethnically and linguistically diverse communities who have been viewed as a single homogenous culture.  These communities make up what is known as Nuclear America because of high Indian civilizations such as the Maya and Aztecs. 

For example, these peoples cultivated and used as a primary food source, beans, squash, and of course maize.  Their societies were highly stratified, featuring monumental architecture, mainly stepped pyramids.  At least four Mesoamerican countries developed hieroglyphic writing.  They also established complex calender systems by skilled astronomers, worship of religions with pluralistic gods, and human sacrifice rituals. 

These commonalties among the civilizations were developed over 3,000 years, from around 1500 BC to 1521 BC, and are still alive and well in today's Indigenous communities.  All of them though, had their own unique characteristics. We chose to focus only on the ancient civilizations that built major structural sites in Mexico. 

The combination of shared traits among Indigenous cultures form a colorful band.  We hope that you enjoy the journey through our site, but only with the side note to our readers that the cultures and durability of the Indigenous peoples of today are worthy of your exploration and awareness.  The predecessors of these glorified ancient civilizations have maintained their culture and identity in the face of much opposition and exploitation. 


Page created by Amanda Belzer,Kamis Courtney, Sharice Welch, Jennifer Wells