Hopi Baskets
Basic Basket Weaves, Part 2

Grass Bundle

A bundle of grass that might be used as material for basket weaving. (From Tanner 1976)

Making the Bundles

Types of foundation and stitching for coiled basketry: (a) top row: single rod, two rods and a bundle, bundle; second row: rod surrounded by bundle, single rod and bundle, rod and slat; third row: two split rods, three rods, and bundle plus half rod. (b) Cross sections showing variety of methods of sewing in using different types of foundations. Simplified sketches to illustrate methods involved in coiled weaving: (c) non-interlocked stitching, (d) interlocked stitching and (e) split stitch (adapted from Morris and Burgh 1941, Figs. 3d, h, and 4e). (From Tanner 1976)

Coil Structure

Methods of starting coiled baskets: (a) Beginning of a circular coiled basket, with a rod and a bundle foundation, counter-clockwise sewing (Morris and Burgh 1941, Fig. 7d) (b) Beginning of a circular coiled basket, two rod and bundle foundation, sewing clockwise. (c) Beginning of an oval coiled foundation, two rod and a bundle, sewing counterclockwise (Morris and Burgh 1941, Fig. 7a). (From Tanner 1976)

Structure of the bundle for coiling

This figure shows the structure of the bundle used for making coiled baskets. For braided rims: a) a detail showing the method of producing a braided rim (Morris and Burgh 1941, Fig. 7g); and b) the end or finishing off of the rim in braiding. (From Tanner 1976)

Grass, reeds and yucca leaves are the materials commonly used in Hopi basketry. Today they are usually dyed or bleached before the finished product is made.

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Frank Provo -- mosaic@innocent.com